Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thoughts on "Head Ons" and Near Miss Accidents

The purpose of this blog is to provide information to those who wish to find an easier source concerning information about Stonyford OHV. That is the very point of the blog: to bring many resources to a certain point. I do wish to market this site to drive traffic and I realized (although not on a large scale) that this blog might drive more traffic to Stonyford.

Now on that note we need to be careful. The more people there are at Stonyford the more likely your chances are of getting into a head on collision with another rider or ATV. Holidays, races, and ideal weather conditions will foster more people arriving to shred Stony. 

Since we cannot control how many people go up we can employ a certain strategy for avoiding head on collisions.

1) Be ready to ride as soon as its bright enough to see in the morning. The early you start your day the more likely you wont see anyone while riding. The vast majority of people like family and friends go up, drink the night before, wake up about 9-10 to ride. Leave early in the morning and try to finish riding by 3.

2) Try your best to ride during the week. This is the same trick one uses when going to Tahoe to ski. If you want to avoid the lines go during the week and certainly avoid holidays.

3) Be smart about where you pin it. I know this sounds stupid to mention but a lot of my friends who are VERY fast speed in areas that are just STUPID. If someone where to be coming around a corner at any speed the impact would always produce broken bones. Speed where you know areas well and perhaps even taking breaks in safe parts of the trail to listen for any trace of someone being out on a trail near you.

Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hunters Find Body in Mendo

uuuuuhhhhh...ho lee fuk.

Don't forget that this forest is full of mischief. We have pot farmers from Mexico growing millions of dollars worth of pot up in some parts of these forest. If I remember correctly 4 million dollars worth of pot (the pull up the whole plant including the root with dirt still stuck to them, weigh it and then determines the dollar amount from that weight) was confiscated along Mill Creek but I'm not sure which part.

Mendo's big, understaffed, and underfunded so just take extra care when venturing out alone. Always let people know where you are going and when you should be back. Take a lesson from that true story/movie about that dude that had to cut his arm off because a boulder pinned his arm between a rock and a hard place (neh) and the only way he was able to survive was he had to cut his arm off with a pocket knife. You better believe he was hungry too...just kidding i don't think he ate it.

During the movie, book, actual experience he was consumed with how selfish he was like how he never returned phone calls or told anyone where he was going the day he got his arm stuck, understanding the selfishness of his acts potentially causing hurt to his family if he were to die out in the middle of the desert.

Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Riding Season & A Little Story About Weed

WooooooooOooo! OK I know I haven't put up any post for a while but I promise a return to writing material.

Stonyford was amazing this last weekend! By the time I had arrived a lot of the water that was keeping the dust down had vanished. Some spots were solid like in between the trees between M-10 and Lett's ridge basically.

A reminder to all of those who have their cannabis cards. Stonyford is FEDERAL LAND. That means if a ranger (FEDERAL AGENT!) finds pot in your car or on your person be sure to bring the lube too because you are going to get fucked!  I'm sure you noticed I didn't mention bringing condoms which is a direct indication of the zero fucks a ranger has to give on any given day or time.

Just be smart about your game. If you're gonna bring cannabis stash that shit away from your car and dont smoke next to families. You can play legal games if they show up and have suspicion but why not just keep it behind a tree?

A game warden stopped to talk to me on my way out when I had stopped on M-10 to talk to my GF. Despite the fact we were obviously fighting he proceeded to mindlessly talk to me anyways about things I didnt care about all the while giving me the vibe that he was a sneaky sneaky piece of bacon.

Ride with caution...burn with caution...o and light fires with caution (4 more years and stony will start to look like a recovering forest...and yes yes it already is calm down)

Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Little Bit About Hydration: PEDIALYTE

We've heard our whole life that our bodies are made of at least 80% H20. Water is essential for all process that occur in our body especially processing and removing waste and proper cell function. When of the greatest signs of dehydration is a headache or racing heart. The headache occurs from the membrane surrounding your brain shrinking almost like a drying sponge which causes pulling on nerves creating pain. This membrane dehydration occurs because your major organs like your heart and liver draws water away from your brain.

Our diets are also very important to consider in terms of keeping us hydrated. Avoiding dehydrating foods and beverages is crucial to our end of goal of staying hydrated. Acidic foods and beverages cause our bodies to lose water through the process of eliminating the acidic particles. Our bodies want to be alkaline rather than acidic. Alkaline waters are high in minerals like iron, potassium, boron, magnesium and chromium.  Click for a List of Basic Minerals and Functional Purpose

Too many minerals in our system can make us sick. These minerals in a concentrated solution creates a high alkaline/ high salinity mixture which can become toxic to us. This occurs when we don't provide ourselves enough water. Simply depriving ourselves of water during normal body use causes our bodies to use the water we have while leaving behind the minerals and salt.

Sweating and high body output creates a different scenario.  When we sweat we lose both precious fluids AND minerals (which is why our sweat is salty, those are all the minerals our bodies need, and some toxins, in a high saline mixture called sweat). Sweating calls for replenishment of water AND minerals.

I highly recommend using Pedialyte to replenish after a heavy sweaty ride.  Pedialyte will help supplement not only the liquid your body needs (like oil to an engine) but also the minerals your body lost during the sweating process. You need to be careful though. If you are dehydrated from lack of fluid intake and not because of exercise or strenuous body use Pedialyte could possibly exacerbate your dehydrated system. This could possibly occur due to the fact that your mineral to water ratio in your body is off leaving more salty minerals in your body than there is liquid needed which would dilute the solution. The introduction of pedialyte to your body WITHOUT water first would only increase your mineral levels in your body creating an even more toxic/saline state within your body.

To avoid these dehydration scenarios there is a few things you can do to help your body prepare and recover from vigorous riding or work out.

1) Avoid acidic foods. CLICK HERE for a complete list or acidic foods. Alkaline foods are better!

2) Avoid acidic beverages like soda and coffee. Some beverages are also diuretic effects (things that make you pee) Alcohol creates an enzyme that tells your pituitary gland to stop producing a hormone that makes you retain water. That is why you pee so much when you drink. IT MAKES YOU PEE. I forget what the actual number is but its something pretty extreme. 1 Shot of booz can cause you to loose about 7 oz of your bodies water. So basically every time you drink you pee out what you drank and a good portion of your bodies water due to alcohols effect on the pituitary gland and it being a diuretic.
3) You only absorb approx. 8oz of water an hour. That being said chugging a bunch of water doesn't make you hydrated. Constantly putting water in your body to make it available to your body FOR absorption does! Drink small sips over a long period of time for the most efficient way to rehydrate yourself.


Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

The Difference Between PUSH and PULL

I've been riding about 15 years now and I am just beginning to discover what it takes to truly start riding with style. Well, at least not like a goon. I had become pretty good at getting up hills, speeding through trails, learning to get the front up, etcetera. However I knew I was missing some crucial fundamentals. Fundamentals like keeping one or two fingers both on the clutch and front break, grabbing the bike with your knees/legs, breathing right and anything in between.

Realizing I was missing out on some many of the basic techniques needed to excel in riding I decided to master holding one finger on the controls (clutch/break) at all times. This might seem normal to most of you but for me, for years, I was using all my hands to hold onto the bike and "white knuckled" everything grabbing the brakes and clutch as needed. During this process I lost a total of three fingers that normally hold onto the bars that are now in charge of controlling the levers. I had to recover in 2 ways from this: 1) I had to get stronger to compensate for now only 7 fingers holding onto the bars 2) I had to get over the mental aspect of feeling like I had less control.

After I tackled my hand positioning I wanted to tackle BODY POSITION. Proper body position is key to allowing the bike to respond to the terrain below you and for efficiently using muscular potential efficiently. Body position slightly varies in terms of the actual physical position of the rider which is dependent on their over all size and length of limbs (arms/legs). Essentially each rider will look to be in the same position when done appropriately. Jeremy McGrath, although probably fat now, has a few tutorial videos on youtube you can check out for free about body position for all types of moto terrain/obstacles. I'm no pro on how to properly position yourself before a corner or where to put yourself on the bike before you enter a whoop section. However, I do know one thing: its always better to be pushed rather than to be pulled.  Let me extrapolate my thought here.

If you've ever been boating or water skiing you've most likely have gone behind the boat, doing some aquatic activity that required being pulled or required you holding onto to something for dear life. After a while your arms get TIRED. Your upper chest gets sore too and you eventually call it quits. You can get the same upper body soreness and pain from moto!

Think about it: Assume you are just mobbing around and you give it some gas you are gonna feel (or maybe you used to) it in your arms! You'll feel it there because most people use their arms to hold onto the bike and from the bike just jetting out from underneath them. Most riders or beginning riders only use their feet, well simply because they're there and you need something to help plant yourself on the bike, right? WRONG!!!

Your legs and feet are the most important assets you have in terms of riding and using your energy efficiently. If your body position is good then your head is slightly over the bars, knees slightly bent, back arched like you are doing squats at the gym, and your legs are squeezing the seat/tank for control. This is "attack mode", aka the classic Charging look you see racers pull off like second nature.  You will feel that as you accelerate the weight created from acceleration (g-force) is transferred to your legs and instead of the bike PULLING YOU FORWARD WITH YOUR ARMS (exhausting you) you are letting the bike PUSH YOU FORWARD WITH YOUR LEGS! You always want to keep your feet protected and always in mind of passing objects that could crush or even sever your foot/toes. Think of it like this to get the idea in your head. You want your feet angled down so it creates a 45 degree angle with the foot peg. This creates the right angle you need to properly allow the bike to transfer its energy to your feet and legs keeping your weight forward removing the sensation of "being thrown backwards."I want to reiterate this. You never want your feet just HANGING off your bike. My example above was simply an exaggeration.

HERE IS AN EXERCISE TO HELP ILLUSTRATE POINT! Next time you are a passenger in a car i want you to do a couple of things.

1) Ask the driver to accelerate as fast as they can (hopefully it's not a hummer). Do it once leaning forward and once sitting up straight. (the faster the car the more you need to lean forward) The point of the exercise is to find a position that allows your body to resist the feeling of acceleration the most simply by position of body. Which way caused you to use more energy? Which way was easier (hint leaning forward lol)

2) When the car you are in turns I want you to lean into the turn. If you turn right lean right. You'll notice that not only is there less stress on your body but that there is a certain point, like a fulcrum point, that when you lean past you can feel the centrifugal force created in a turn dissipate. This is why super sport racers drag knees, or lean so far over into the turn to thwart the centrifugal force trying to throw him over the other side of the bike.


Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hangtown Classic #46 2014!

Prairie City SVRA, California - This years Hangtown Classic was amazing! Charging right out of the gates was KTM Team Riders Ken Rockzen and Ryan Dungey! Watching about Ken Roczen and how he came to the states to per sue his dream of motocross was simply moving. He's a great kid and I cannot wait to watch his success grow into a championship! I hear he's going to Suzuki....wonder why they want him????hehe

Read this article from Lucas Oil!

Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May Stony Trip! No bike! Just a Jeep!

My Jeep chillin' on 17N10 just above the board camp above Letts Lake!  So cool the board camp is this little community of small cabins that are open seasonally to those who own the properties.

Sweet high mountain glade with a vernal pool in the center of it! This glade was HUGE! about the size of three foot ball fields. This is up on 17N10 right before it turns into 17N14. (above Letts on Board Camp Ridge)

This is hard to see but kinda cool. This is a natural spill way for the vernal pool during typical torrential Mendocino rain season. The depression in the foreground fills up and over flows down towards the bottom right hand corner of the picture

the spill way leading down the slope.

This is the spillway finally leading down the slope away from the vernal pool and glade. It looks like the forest service placed a pile of wood and sticks at the bottom of the spillway to slow down any fast moving water to thwart erosion.

this was on the other half of the glade. There was a huge depression in this area but to my superise there was no pooling water...thanks glade

cliche hipster flower field pic

White pine in the background...not sure what the little guys were...prolly small white pine lol

cliche hipster meadow with weird plant pic

i guess if you have the urge to play a sport while camping this would be the most ideal place to do this.

cool pic! this is the entrance to the glade from off 17N10

this is up top by Goat Mountain right before the gate >:(
The USFS dug a huge 8 feet deep hole around the side of the gate preventing you from going to the top where there's a radio tower. lol my dumb ass almost went head first into it not realized the USFS booby trapped it! Tu Che! I guess I wasn't supposed to do that? hehe

I hope we can continue to ride here in the future!!

tree by Mill Valley

This was a dying tree we saw climbing up Snow Mountain by Dixie Glade. WOW if you don't like switch backs Snow Mountain is the hike for you lol it goes straight up!

Keep checking back for interesting industry updates as well as information concerning OHV use in the Mendocino National Forest! Thanks for reading! Tell a friend!