OHV Corridor Route

This page will tell you how to use the OHV Corridor Route to get FROM Stonyford TO Upper Lake OHV.

To start, here is a map i had to cut and paste together with ideal trail routes highlighted (didn't really come through too well) in yellow. 


The easiest way to connect to Upper Lake OHV by using the OHV Corridor Route:  "17N16" is to take M-10 heading west. Eventually you will come to a point where Trial #45 Ends, M-10 turns into Highway Equipped Vehicles Only road, and a road that hooks to the left. This is the road you want to take: OHV Corridor Route "17N16." 

This road leads south for a bit until you see "17N16" veer off to the right and downhill. This is the beginning of the actual OHV Corridor Route that leads straight over to Upper Lake OHV! As you travel west you'll come across Forrest Route 17N04 "Bartlett Springs Road."

In a perfect world you could follow 17N04 to other areas of Upper Lake, even all the way out through Indian Valley Reservoir and out to the main roads. However, the owner of a piece of property along this road has placed gates and barriers preventing people from passing through....for now. 

You can either continue on 17N16 or you can take Trail #37! This will be the first trail you come across when coming from Stonyford headed towards Upper Lake. This trail is amazing! Beware though; at the bottom of Trail #37 is a creek crossing about 30 ft wide. During the rain season or recent rain expect this to be a challenging cross or perhaps even un passable.

If that is to be the case, turn back up Trail #37 and continue heading west on 17N16 until you hook up with M-10. From there you can take out your Upper Lake OHV map and figure out which trail system you would like to head to.

M-10 does not provide for Non Highway Equipped Vehicles to use M-10 to get from Stonyford to Upper Lake...legally.


As you can see on the map above there are several trail options one may chose to get to the OHV Corridor Route: 17N16. 

The trail routes you chose will be dependent on where you are camped in Stonyford. Obviously the closer you are to Corridor, the less gas you will use getting there. 

Use the map above to understand how each trail can feed into the OHV Corridor Route. You can use your Stonyford map to take trails from any campground to the trails I have highlighted on my map above.

Good luck and plan this out before hand! Google Earth and a few maps provided on this blog should do the trick!

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