My Jeep chillin' on 17N10 just above the board camp above Letts Lake! So cool the board camp is this little community of small cabins that are open seasonally to those who own the properties.
Sweet high mountain glade with a vernal pool in the center of it! This glade was HUGE! about the size of three foot ball fields. This is up on 17N10 right before it turns into 17N14. (above Letts on Board Camp Ridge)
This is hard to see but kinda cool. This is a natural spill way for the vernal pool during typical torrential Mendocino rain season. The depression in the foreground fills up and over flows down towards the bottom right hand corner of the picture
the spill way leading down the slope.
This is the spillway finally leading down the slope away from the vernal pool and glade. It looks like the forest service placed a pile of wood and sticks at the bottom of the spillway to slow down any fast moving water to thwart erosion.
this was on the other half of the glade. There was a huge depression in this area but to my superise there was no pooling water...thanks glade
cliche hipster flower field pic
White pine in the background...not sure what the little guys were...prolly small white pine lol
cliche hipster meadow with weird plant pic
i guess if you have the urge to play a sport while camping this would be the most ideal place to do this.
cool pic! this is the entrance to the glade from off 17N10
this is up top by Goat Mountain right before the gate >:(
The USFS dug a huge 8 feet deep hole around the side of the gate preventing you from going to the top where there's a radio tower. lol my dumb ass almost went head first into it not realized the USFS booby trapped it! Tu Che! I guess I wasn't supposed to do that? hehe
I hope we can continue to ride here in the future!!
tree by Mill Valley
This was a dying tree we saw climbing up Snow Mountain by Dixie Glade. WOW if you don't like switch backs Snow Mountain is the hike for you lol it goes straight up!
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